Monday 25 December 2017

Taking Control Of Your Bipolar Disorder, by John Poehler

Editor's Introduction

I don't think I've ever met somebody as straight-forward about bipolar disorder as much as this man who I'm about to interview: John Poehler. 

Picture John, a Chemical Engineering student, extremely close to finishing up his degree back in the 90's. With only a few classes to go, there's not much that could have gone wrong at this stage. But going wrong had been a consistency in John's life. Having been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and immediately admitting himself to ECT therapy, he found himself confronted with a profound memory loss right before the final months of his degree. All the notes, reports, and pamphlets John wrote bore his own handwriting, even though they produced an absolute-zero resonance in his head. Looking back, this may have been one of the most rock bottom, moments of John's life. It was "pretty awful", he says.

18 years later, John has a family, a few kids, a beautiful wife, four academic degrees, and, yes, he still has Bipolar (reminder, people: bipolar is not a condition. It's a disease that causes dramatic fluctuations between two conditions. More on these conditions here.)

Most significantly, however, is that John has a very clear purpose in life, and it's something his mind refuses to sway from. It's not a regular blog. John's 'The Bipolar Battle' is prophetic in nature, imposing in content, and utterly revolutionary for its potential. The Bipolar Battle is a website that all bipolar sufferers, people with mental illnesses, and people who struggle with their mental health should follow and visit and keep up to date with. There, you can see the power of attrition really work against life's harmful ills. On the website, you'll see John's own struggles, the struggles of those around him like his father, and the occasional guest post from contributing authors and experts ready to empower you on your journey to recovery.


The Rare International fashion brand is about two things: let’s talk about the first. “self-reflection for self-empowerment.” What does that motto mean to you, from the perspective of a bipolar sufferer?

Having bipolar disorder, you do not have a ton of control.  It is an illness based on extreme variations in mood, energy level, and motivation.  I do whatever is in my power to take control of my illness.  This motto means I take control of the measures I am able to.  Being proactive in the treatment of bipolar disorder is self-empowering.  

With bipolar disorder, it might feel like there’s two sides to the coin of your character. Is this correct to assume?

I am a strong believer to not assume anything in the first place.  Here, I think this statement is a common misconception of individuals that suffer from bipolar disorder.  Our moods do shift between deep depression and elated mania.  Between these two poles, there is a ton of grey area.  Each person is different and not defined by bipolar disorder.  It is merely an illness.  I think that is important to remember.

What does the phrase “you are rare” mean to you?

I like this phrase.  Each person in the world has a unique personality and makeup.  I find great comfort in this fact.

Do you think that reminding yourself that you are the only you in this world, as in you’re the only John Poehler in the world, could provide you with any sort of relief in your daily struggle with bipolar disorder?

To be honest, I already look at the world from this perspective.  Knowing that I am the only John Poehler in this world, provides me a sense of positive self-esteem.  This, in turn, creates self-empowerment.  With a daily struggle of being pulled between both poles, having a positive self-identity helps.

Fans of Rare International’s headwear often say they felt self-empowerment while wearing the hats. Do you think this is just a temporary high, or a deceiving high, sort of like the manic stage of someone with bipolar?

I think it is hard to compare anything to a manic episode.  Feeling self-empowerment while wearing a hat is a positive enlightening experience.

I once read somewhere that wearing a turban in Sikhism can act as a constant reminder that they are a Sikh. It motivates the Sikh individual to live according to Sikh principles and not to divert from it. You see the same sort of method working with recovering alcoholics wearing badges.  This sort of self-reminder: do you think there can be something materialistic, other than necessary medicine, that can self-remind people with bipolar disorder that the fluctuations they might experience is part of a constant struggle that they must always fight through?

I think you can turn any object into a reminder for individuals with bipolar disorder that the fluctuations we might experience are part of a constant struggle that we must always fight through.  These objects can include hats, necklaces, bracelets, rings and more.  I think this is a great idea to motivate those with bipolar disorder - or any other ailment - to follow treatment.

You said back in November that bipolar is a “constant battle”. It’s almost like you have to fight against it.

Bipolar disorder is a “constant battle”.  That is why I call my blog The Bipolar Battle [].  I look at my illness this way because I have to fight on a daily basis to keep my mood, energy level and motivation all in check.  I have to utilize various coping skills each day to fight this battle.

Rare International focuses on people suffering with their mental health. Particularly those who feel depressed. Bipolar disorder is a mental illness, however, that actually has depression at one extreme side of its fluctuations. Do you think that wearing self-empowerment clothes, like our unique fashion ranges, can bounce bipolar sufferers from the depression extreme all the way to the other pole, to mania?

I do not think that wearing self-empowerment clothes would bounce an individual from depression to mania.  I can only see a positive response from wearing your unique fashion ranges.  Wearing clothes that help you feel self-empowered can only boost your mood and self-esteem.

Would you say that wearing a Rare hat is extremely beneficial or extremely dangerous to a person with bipolar disorder?

I would definitely say that wearing a Rare hat is extremely beneficial to a person with bipolar disorder.  I can only see it providing a more positive sense of self and well being.  These are things that any individual suffering from an illness can use. 

You can find John on:
Instagram: thebipolarbattle
Twitter: BipolarBattle

Buy our hats here:

Thursday 21 December 2017

How An Alcoholic Can Recover To Success by Megan Riley

The term “rare” is defined as something that is scarce and hard to obtain. For me, rare is a quality. It is a realization that few people have of just how incredible they could be. It is the inner acknowledgment of potential. It is the possession of the drive needed to attain what most people never comprehend. 
My name is Megan. Like most people, I have gone through many phases in my life and, at times, struggled just to survive. One of the toughest struggles I’ve ever had was my addiction to alcohol. I started drinking when I was 11 and wasn’t able to stop until the week before my 24th birthday. Since that time, I have remained active in my recovery and the recovery of others, and it is through my helping others that I have been able to stay strong and sober. It has always been my nature to put friends and family before myself, so getting sober and discovering who I was proved to be a long and, sometimes, painful process. But, it was through this process that I discovered a light I had thought had gone out a long time ago was still burning inside of me. I also learned just how bright it could shine.

Today, even though I’m working a regular 9 – 5 job, I am in the process of writing a new chapter in my life that will involve coaching people and help them reach their dreams and become the best possible versions of themselves. To help make this happen, I recently began working with the Not-In-Stone Project, a non-profit organization that was founded on the belief that no one’s future is carved in stone. This philosophy hit home with me for several reasons. I know that, together, we will be able to help a lot of people who are as lost as I once was, find hope, peace and a way back home again.

That is why a company like Rare is so essential. Both our beliefs are very similar. Rare International makes people want to push themselves in ways that were once foreign to them. It encourages them to push past their comfort zone and discover their core purpose and how to apply it to every aspect of their lives. It shows people that the impossible is possible.

Rare International is a self-empowerment fashion brand, the first of its kind. You can find out more about them on Facebook here, and Twitter here.
Check out the goals of Megan's Not-In-Stone Project here:
Find Megan on Instagram @megz.riley
See the Not-In-Stone Project's Official Website here.

Monday 18 December 2017

Kierin Oliver's The Run Of The Rare Style

Hey guys,

It's my first ever time writing about myself so I guess lets start with the basics!

I am 22 years old and at the peak of my fitness journey and its only going to be up from here! I am a fitness model on Instagram and the latest brand I’ve joined is Rare International. The reason why I joined Rare International is I have started doing motivational Monday videos on my page. I have wanted to help people that need a pick me up or need a reminder that they are rare in their own way.

I have had a journey of finding who I am as a person, and that being unique and rare is what will make you progress on this road. I felt like that there wasn’t a place you could go to see videos that can hit a number of areas of fitness inspiration as well as motivate you to push yourself. I was scrolling through Instagram and came across Rare International’s hats. The brand was so significant and gave me inspiration; the word Rare hit the nail on the head of how I wanted to express my motivation. We are all rare everyone is different with their own journey, you take the steps at your pace. 

The products at Rare International follow this same concept, you wear the product, and it doesn’t wear you. So you have that rare look that no one else will have. At the moment they have unique accessories but will be developing into so much more. There more to come that’s new and rare to find.

This post was written by Kierin Oliver and posted by contributing editor Rosie Baker.

Kierin's Instagram: @kierin_oliver
Kierin's YouTube: click here

Find Kierin's hat by clicking here
Check out Rare International's full range here:

Friday 15 December 2017

The RARE Solution - Part 4 - The Pros And Cons List

Welcome to Part 4!

Part 3 summary: There are two methods of self-reflection that can motivate you to be proud about yourself and pull yourself out of your hole of self-loathing and hate.

We've explained in the Introduction of The RARE Solution why self-reflection is so important.

When you self-reflect, you start to gain a little bit of confidence through self-awareness.

Here's one well-known method of self-reflecting, and you might've heard it before: the pros and cons list.

Here's how to make a pros and cons list. today

Step One - Wake Up Early

Wake up an hour earlier than you usually do. This will give you that "fresh new day" feeling that is guaranteed to prepare you for a deep level of self-reflection.

Step Two - Gather Materials

In the morning, pull out a pen and paper and make a table with two columns in it.

Name one column 'Pros' and other 'Cons'.

Step Three - Making The Pros List

This is what you're here for.

Put the things you know you're good at in the pros section. These pros must describe your inherent personality. They're the personality traits you carry with you inevery single situation you go through in life. Identifying these unchangeable traits means you'll know that they'll be with you in whatever you go through in life.

Examples of pros:
helping people, being honest about your feelings, mental maths, eating healthy food, kindness, work ethic- these are examples of pros that can benefit you in whatever you do in the future.

Step Four- Making The Cons List

In the cons section, write down all the stuff that you know you're bad at. As painful as it is to think of your own cons, it will be massively relieving the moment they're on paper.

Examples of cons: time management, understanding your own feelings, making decisions, (- and even figuring out what your own cons are!)- likewise, these things can all hold you back when you're trying to achieve recovery, success, and happiness.

Step Five - Profiting From The List

Profiting in business means receiving an excess of income after your expenses have been deducted from sales. In this pros and cons list, profiting means honing in on your pros only and completely forgetting about your cons.

How does profiting work in a pros and cons list?

It's essential- double up on your pros and apply them even more. Make a strict mental note to yourself to focus on the pros in everything you do because you do them well.

As for the cons, quite simply stop exercising them. Apply them less. And, if anything, try to transform your cons into pros. But- if your cons aren't changeable, don't worry. The cons can always be drowned out by your pros if you highlight your pros well enough.

Summary: highlight your pros by exercising them always and applying them more.

Step Six- Next Steps

A lot of people are afraid to do a pros and cons list. That's why you've might've skipped straight to here.

Have you wondered why you have certain pros and weaknesses that other people don't have? This is called a mismatch of pros and cons.

The mismatch is unique to you. It's what makes up your personality.

The mismatch can actually empower you in not-so-obvious ways.

Wait for Part 5 of The RARE Solution to see how.

You can follow us here:
Instagram - @therareblog
Facebook -
Twitter - @therareblog

And check out our fashion here:

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Allison Soro, Founder of Fashion Crime International and Brand Ambassador of Rare International, Talks On How Rare’s Brand Will Boost Your Self-Esteem

Alli Soro has modelled for Rare International and provided excellent consultation services for our online store and social media channels. Now, given the large success of Rare International's previous campaigns, Alli Soro will be one of Rare's Brand Ambassadors.

In this interview, we had a chat with Alli about the beginnings on her own blog, and what Rare International's bold stance as the world's leading self-empowerment fashion brand meant to her. Check out the exclusive interview below!


Bilal: Alli, tell us how you started your blog.

Alli: There is actually a story behind all of it, I was still in contact with a businessman from Monaco (I was offered an internship with his company back at the time) and I remember him saying how crazy was the engagement I received on my personal digital platforms and that a restaurant in the Principality of Monaco needed some help with it. I accepted to give a hand and the lady that owns the restaurant was really satisfied with my work and recommended me to other local businesses. I started receiving various offers also from TEDxMontecarlo which I still work for as a voluntary. I then decided to use my digital knowledge for myself and here I am.

Bilal: Why did you accept to become a Brand Ambassador for Rare and how do you feel about the brand?

Alli: I love Rare, the quality of the product is unique and everyone can afford it. So many brands nowadays focus on high prices and little quality and clients get dazed by the name that is written on the product and not by the goods themselves. What you decide to wear actually impacts your state of mind, it needs to make you feel good, confident and beautiful. Have you ever thought about how strongly your sense of self-worth is connected to the products you purchase? Rare makes me feel comfortable and beautiful.  I love their hats they keep you real warm, you can wear the beanies anywhere at any anytime. Rare aims on helping people feel like a rockstar, that is why it is so “rare”.

Also, I believe that wearing a nice glamorous hat gives a self-esteem boost for people undergoing chemotherapy and dealing with hair loss. Hands off to the hats.

Bilal: Which stores do you think Rare products can fit into well?

Good question. I think Rare could fit in the first floor department of “Topshop” in Oxford Circus, there are several brands and Rare would be definitely great there. It is one of the most popular shops in London for sure. However, “Urban Outfitters” aswell could be a great match as the brand is sporty and trendy at the same time.

Bilal: Rare’s next range - what do you think it should be?

Rare currently provides a range of accessories (hats and sunglasses) so it would be a good idea to start focusing on another popular product such as a line of t-shirts to complete the picture.

You can find Allison on:

Friday 8 December 2017

The RARE Solution - Part 3 - An Introduction to Self Reflection

Welcome to Part 3!

Part 2 summary: Self-reflection is a process that everyone recovering from a mental health condition faces. Self-reflection can lead to a type of recovery that leads to success.

After reading online, you'll begin to find some absolute gems of bloggers. One of those is Shrina, a.k.a "crazyhappylady". She pretty much formulates the necessary things that has kept her alive while she endures through a terrible mood disorder:

"It's only through therapy, countless hours of reflection, my blog and continuous trial and error I am slowly realizing that what happened wasn't my fault and I didn't deserve what happened to me. I also deserve to be treated with love and respect by everyone in my life, men and women alike." - Crazyhappylady, the UK's fastest growing Mental Health blogger in 2017. Quote source here.
Confidence, people.

Look at that last sentence.

It's a display of self-worth that you have not given yourself yet. Have you?

So- to reach that level of self-worth, which you will soon be doing, we need to have a look at what other people, other strugglers and thinkers, have used to get out of their common pits of darkness.

Let's take a look at what Shrina, a.k.a crazyhappylady, said about her recovery once again.

The self-proclaimed crazyhappylady mentioned three things that made her realise why she "deserve[s] to be treated with love and respect".

a) "Therapy" - a coerced process of self-reflection. Correct?
b) "Countless hours of reflection" - a self-evident process of self-reflection. Correct?
c) "My blog" - a cathartic process of self-reflection. Correct?
All of the three things above are forms of self-reflection.

How do we do it?

B) and C) you can start right now. (That'd be countless hours of reflection and writing a blog).

You could do that.

But, really, you can choose your processes of self-reflection however you like. The important thing is to self-reflect.

To self-reflect is important because you'll end up finding a solution to your problem in a way nobody else can. 

It'll be a way that you enjoy and feels right.

Yes, there are many, many ways to start to discover this solution for yourself. It begins with self-reflection.

We're going to give you some golden nuggets on how to start a beneficial self-reflection action page. 

One method has been devised by a UK councillor. It makes up part 4 of The RARE Solution series.

One method has been devised by the people here at therareblog. It makes up part 5 of The RARE Solution series.

Either and both of these methods of self-reflection can transform your entire life and make you unrelentingly focus on your goals in a way you never have done before, and battle your inner demons in a way your body allows you to.

Follow on to Part 4 where we go on to talk about the First Method of Self-Reflection as described and constructed by a UK Councillor.

Wednesday 6 December 2017

The RARE Solution - Part 2 - Self Reflection For Self Empowerment

Welcome to Part 2

Part 1 summary: having confidence is vital to having the success you want, because it's the one thing that you can't lose.

Of course I can lose confidence, I hear you say.

You didn't read the last part of this blog series,
 I retort back.

You can't lose confidence, because it's with you. Its inside of you, it's part of you. It's yours forever. You own confidence.

Do you have confidence? Are you confident? Because confidence is one hundred per cent the be all and end all of what determines success and failure.

"Experience tells you what to do; confidence allows you to do it." - Stan Smith, Former World n.1 tennis champion
Confidence, people.

Now it's time to talk about how to get confidence. 

If you think you've got confidence already,
stop reading now. This part of our series wasn't made for you.

Keep reading if you want to see a very simple strategy we've designed to always give you a boost of confidence no matter what.

Once you understand this repeatable process and imprint it into your way of thinking, you'll be confident and, even more importantly, you'll be more resilient to any future harm.

This repeatable process is a vital part of The RARE Solution, and it's called self-reflection.

Every person recovering from a mental health condition goes through self-reflection. If you're ready, The RARE Solution will offer you a type of self-reflection that can help you understand why your low-self esteem or your fears are not deserved.

What does it mean to say your low-esteem and fears are not deserved?

Let's go onto the third part of The RARE Solution to discover this: an introduction to the strategies of self-reflection that automatically boosts your self-worth and your confidence.

Tuesday 5 December 2017

The RARE Solution - Part 1 - Introduction

Hi people,

It's a pleasure to introduce The Rare Blog. This is the place for short and sweet posts about how to keep your mental health in check.

Aside from general mental health tips, motivational blog posts, and rare stories, this blog will also slowly guide you through The RARE Solution.

What on earth is the RARE solution? It's a way of thinking that might completely change your life.

This is the first part.

You might think your way of thinking might not need to change. If so, you won't need to follow this blog.

If you think your way of thinking can be improved, read a tiny bit more.

You have goals. Correct?

You have a future. Correct?

You will get frustrated because you will lose.

Money, time, people.

You will lose it all only to gain it again. How would you gain it?

There's one thing you can never lose; because it's something you own.

That something is confidence.

"Yes, I thought. Confidence. More than equity, more than liquidity, that’s what a man needs.  I wished I had more. I wished I could borrow some." - Phil Knight, Founder of Nike and Author of 2016's Best-Seller 'Shoe Dog'.
Confidence, people.

Take it with you everywhere you go and with every decision you make.

The problems you experience won't seem as distressing when you carry them with confidence.

If you're trying to find the source of your confidence, you'll need to do something for yourself.

It's called self-reflection.

It plays a big part in your self-empowerment. How?

Check out our next post.